Class Allocation 24/25

June 2024 Staffing arrangements for academic year 24/25 were announced to schools in Circular Letter 0011/2024. Our current predicted enrolment for next academic year is 365 pupils. We have provisionally been allocated our 15th classroom teacher. Expanding the school and achieving the threshold for the next teacher is crucial for maintaining good pupil teacher ratio. We need to achieve greater than 359 pupils to avoid children learning in multi-grade classes. Plans are underway to have a new classroom prepared for September. Growth on this scale means we are constantly recruiting new teaching staff. Recruitment is not yet complete. Interviews for new teachers will take place right through the summer months. Today, where possible, we will introduce the children to their new teacher and let them spend some time in their new classroom. Please refer to the table below to see the name of your child’s class teacher for next year. Everyone must understand recruitment and contracts is a complex process and unavoidable changes may well happen over the summer months. There is no 100% guarantee the teacher allocated in June will not change over the summer. We do our best to prepare the children for milestones and transitions. Change is not easy, but it is an inevitable part of life. This time of year we celebrate all we have achieved and look forward with excitement and positivity to the challenges next year will bring. *THIS PLAN COULD CHANGE* (Múinteoir is the Irish word for Teacher) This year 23/24Next year 24/25Incoming PupilsMúinteoir Niamh Junior Infants  Incoming PupilsNew Múinteoir Junior Infants  Múinteoir Niamh Junior Infants  Múinteoir Gráinne Senior Infants  Múinteoir Rachel Junior Infants  Múinteoir...

New Entrants- September 2024

June 2024 Hello to everyone joining us in September, Each child has reached a very important milestone in their lives. Our team understand the importance of a successful transition from pre-school to the primary classroom. Healthy home school links are the cornerstone of our school’s success. Parents and teachers must work closely together for children to reach their full potential. We want to know your child’s story/scéal… We have created a short parent questionnaire to give you the chance to share any information you think will be important to set your child up for success in Ard Rí. If you have not completed this already please click on the link below. The information you share will allow us to best support your child from day one. Mo Scéal (My Story)- Parent Survey Please continue reading for all information on starting school at Ard Rí CNS… Hi everyone, We are looking forward to welcoming all new pupils to Ard Rí CNS for their first day of big school on Wednesday 28th of August 2024 at 10 am. We are delighted to announce we will have a Summer Camp available for incoming pupils from Monday 24th to Friday 28th June. Save the date. For more info and booking: click here Here is a very useful document with lots of information on how to prepare for starting school at Ard Rí CNS: How can I prepare my child for school 2024 Our school calendar for 2024/25 is now available on our website: click here Our school uniform supplier is Geoghegans, Trimgate Street, Navan. Do not wait until August to order the uniform. For full information...

Ard Rí Summer Camp

Ard Rí CNS Summer Camp caters for children from incoming Junior Infants to 3rd Class (2024/2025) from 24th to 28th June, 9:30am to 1pm daily. Ard Rí Summer Camp Application Form Places on the camp are limited and we will operate on a first come, first served basis. Filling out this form does not guarantee a place in the camp due to limited availability. I will be in contact with you via email or text message to let you know if you have secured a place. Thank you,Múinteoir...

School Tours Summer ’24

Last one out, turn off the lights. Ard Rí are going on tour. We are delighted to announce children will be going on school tour as follows: ClassDestinationDateCost*Junior andSenior InfantsMellowes Adventure Centre29th May€251st & 2nd ClassCrystal Maze- Royal Breffni Tours9th May€303rd, 4th & 5th ClassLullymore Heritage and Discovery Park20th May€306th ClassTayto Park31st May€35 *All school events are run at cost price. We make every effort to be as economical as possible. We are going a little bit earlier to avail of cheaper rates and bringing larger groups to benefit from economies of scale. Bus prices have inflated. Please understand this is outside our control.  **Please know there is an option on Way2Pay to make staged payment. We never discuss payments with children. All children will receive a note home with full details about their tour today. You will receive a payment request from Way2Pay tomorrow. Please note, Health Eating Policy stands even on school tour. Thank you. Happy...

Winter Show

Thank you very much to everyone who supported our Winter Show. I really think it was an experience the boys and girls will never forget. Thanks to Victor and Luana from Magna Films for capturing the show on film. I am delighted to share them with you now. Enjoy the...

Rang a 6- Newsfeed

May 2024 All the 6th Class children are looking forward to the school tour to Tayto Park tomorrow. Few final points to note: Full school rules apply to all children from Ard Rí CNS on tour. The tour is non-uniform, however children must wear their blue grad hoodie so we can recognise them easily in the park. Prepare for the weather- apply sunscreen or bring a coat as required. The bus will leave at 8.30am sharp. Teachers will establish a ‘base-camp’ at the park. Children will be allowed to explore the park independently. There will be a member of staff at base-camp at all times should the children need support. No mobile phones or technology allowed. If children need to contact you they should go straight to a member of school staff. The Lunch Bag provide a 5 piece snack lunch for all children on tour. You might like to provide an extra sandwich just in case. Children can bring €10 to buy some treats. Do not bring big money- all valuables carried at own risk. We will be back to school at approx. 4pm. We will text you updated ETA when we are leaving the park. Thank you and have a great day, Múinteoir Cailín January 2024 Dear parents and guardians of 6th Class pupils, Children starting Post Primary school in September will have their Assessment Tests on different Saturdays from the end of January through February. Your child’s school will contact you shortly with specific details. It is very important that the pupils understand that there is no work they need to do in preparation for this test. These...