Agree to Agree

The Agree to Agree Project aims to establish a community-specific agreement for the use of internet-enabled devices, creating a safe, positive and unified norm for children’s digital device use.

The first stage of this project, Keeping Childhood Smartphone Free (Department of Education) was completed in Term 1 this academic year, with children in Junior Infants to 2nd Class. An incredible 89% of families have agreed to keep their young child’s time at Primary School Smartphone, Social Media and Online-Gaming Free.

To begin the next step of this project, parents and staff from Ard Rí CNS have been invited to a webinar as part of the Agree to Agree project. I hope a parent from every family will log on. The meeting will not be recorded.

Webinar Details: 
Date: Monday, 13th January 
Time: 7:00 PM – 7:40 PM 
Facilitator: Dr. Maureen Griffin, Forensic Psychologist 

Registration Link: 

The Agree to Agree Project, which is supported by the Department of Education through Oide Technology in Education, aims to establish a school-specific agreement for the use of internet-enabled devices, creating a positive and unified norm for children’s digital device use. This webinar will provide an overview of the project and outline how school communities can work collaboratively to manage children’s use of internet enabled devices. 

Dr. Maureen Griffin will provide insights into the project’s purpose and how it supports families and schools in managing digital device use effectively. 

For your information, please see below image summarising staff feedback, identifying the main issues impacting the wellbeing of students during the school day due to device use at home: