Rang a 6- Newsfeed

May 2024

All the 6th Class children are looking forward to the school tour to Tayto Park tomorrow.

Few final points to note:

  • Full school rules apply to all children from Ard Rí CNS on tour.
  • The tour is non-uniform, however children must wear their blue grad hoodie so we can recognise them easily in the park.
  • Prepare for the weather- apply sunscreen or bring a coat as required.
  • The bus will leave at 8.30am sharp.
  • Teachers will establish a ‘base-camp’ at the park. Children will be allowed to explore the park independently. There will be a member of staff at base-camp at all times should the children need support.
  • No mobile phones or technology allowed. If children need to contact you they should go straight to a member of school staff.
  • The Lunch Bag provide a 5 piece snack lunch for all children on tour. You might like to provide an extra sandwich just in case.
  • Children can bring €10 to buy some treats. Do not bring big money- all valuables carried at own risk.
  • We will be back to school at approx. 4pm. We will text you updated ETA when we are leaving the park.

Thank you and have a great day,

Múinteoir Cailín

January 2024

Dear parents and guardians of 6th Class pupils,

Children starting Post Primary school in September will have their Assessment Tests on different Saturdays from the end of January through February. Your child’s school will contact you shortly with specific details.

It is very important that the pupils understand that there is no work they need to do in preparation for this test. These are not Entrance Exams. The students have already been accepted into First Year. Remind them that they cannot fail, the assessment just informs the school of their individual strengths and the type of learning that supports them best.

Please check what time your child’s test is at and arrive 15 minutes early. Schools have different requirements on the day. Some require you bring stationery, some ask you bring wired headphones, some ask you bring a snack and a drink for a morning break. Prepare for this in advance, you do not want a panic in the morning when headphones don’t work etc. Children should be well slept and have a good breakfast before they go in. Choose an outfit which will make a positive first impression.

Schools are using Cognitive Ability Tests for this assessment. As far as I know, they use a test by GL Assessment (or similar). Some schools use a digital version which will be carried out on a computer, others use a paper test. This short video gives a good insight into the C.A.T.

I hope all pupils are excited about the prospect. For many it will be their first time in the school building. They will meet the school management, their year head, teachers and they might even see some familiar faces or make some new friends.

Cailín will be doing some work with the children in the coming weeks. This will mainly focus on visualisation. They will discuss what to expect from the day, test environment, staying calm, what to do if you can’t answer a question etc.

I wish our pupils the best of luck. We are extremely proud of you all.

Go get ’em,

Cailín & Darragh

September 2023

Dear Parents of 5th & 6th Class pupils,

Choosing a Post-Primary school is a big decision. Children from Ard Rí CNS have been accepted at every school in Navan. Generally, a school’s Enrolment process will be launched in early October at the Open Evening. Please find links to school websites and Open Evening times below.

Remember: Parents are responsible for making applications to Post Primary Schools on behalf of their children. Acceptance is not guaranteed, so I advise you to apply to more than one school.

Enrolment can only be secured for pupils in 6th Class, however I encourage you to gather as much information as you can when your child is in 5th Class so you can make the best decision.

If you require any support printing or filling out forms please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to help you.

Beaufort College: 


Open night for incoming 1st years for the school year 2024-2025 takes place on Monday 25th September from 6.30-8.30pm.

Coláiste na Mí: 


Open night for incoming 1st years for the school year 2024-2025 takes place on Thursday 28th September from 5.00-7.15pm

St Joseph’s Mercy Secondary School: 


Open night for incoming 1st years for the school year 2024-2025 takes place on Thursday 5th October from 5.00-7.00pm.

Loreto St Michael’s Secondary School: 


Open night for incoming 1st years for the school year 2024-2025 takes place on Thursday 28th September, time to be confirmed.

St Patrick’s Classical School: 


Open night for incoming 1st years for the school year 2024-2025 takes place on Monday 2nd October from 7-9pm. (Please note only parents attend St Pat’s Open Evening)

Coláiste Ríoga: 


Although Coláiste Ríoga is not in Navan, it is a popular choice for families in our school. Open night for incoming 1st years for the school year 2024-2025 takes place on Wednesday 4th October 4.30-7.30pm.