Catechetical_Programme_2020_Registration Form Hard copies of this form are available from your child’s class teacher upon request. Please complete the form and return to the Parish Office or to the sacristy of one of the churches at your early convenience.
Letter from Fr Declan Hurley:
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The restarting of the Parish Catechetical Programme this year presents some challenges, as I’m sure you can imagine. The classrooms in St. Anne’s Resource Centre are of course too small, and an alternative venue is not easy to find! However, after much deliberation and consultation, we are happy to announce the restart of the programme. Some details have yet to be finalised following discussion and feedback, but for now we can confirm the following:
- The programme will be led by Fr. Sebi Tulbure who has replaced Fr. Shane Crombie. Fr. Sebi is from Romania, and prior to joining us in Navan had ministered in Kells Parish since 2018. He will be assisted by Barry White, a seminarian preparing for the priesthood, who has joined our Parish Team in Navan for the coming year.
- They will be assisted by teachers and other adult volunteers. We are recruiting at the moment.
- The venue will be St. Oliver’s Church in Blackcastle, which is very spacious, and has ample parking facilities making it easier to arrange drop-off and pick-up.
- At this point, it is anticipated that the First Holy Communion preparation programme will take place on Tuesdays (starting Tuesday 3rd November) and the Confirmation preparation programme will take place on Wednesdays (starting Wednesday 4th November). The time will be communicated at a later date.
Please find attached the Registration Form. Please complete the form and return to the Parish Office or to the sacristy of one of the churches at your early convenience.
You are invited to a meeting in St. Oliver’s Church on Tuesday 13th October at 8:15pm (after 7:30pm Mass) to discuss the restart of the programme. As there is quite a number of changes this year, your presence at the meeting would be important. I’m sure that the changes will present some challenges for you – as they have done for us – so I hope we will be able to address the challenges together at the meeting.
Kind regards,
Fr. Declan Hurley