Pupil Council
The pupil council are working hard on their first project, creating some new artwork for our school reception. The children are making a display to celebrate the diversity in our school. The project is part of our ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ initiative. Next week, children will learn all about the 9 Grounds of Discrimination and there will be lessons to remind us to always be kind to everyone we meet. Children will all wear red next Friday as a strong message that ‘Ard Rí says NO to racism’.

Seachtain na Gaeilge
We had a full week of Irish cultural and language celebrations to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge ’23. Children enjoyed quizzes, daily assembly, art, a parade and a céili mór and concert on Lá Glas to celebrate our Irish pride. Maith sibh gach duine. Bhí sibh go h-iontach. Rahooo!!

Meath Athletics Cross Country at Navan Adventure Centre
Weather conditions were favorable but the ground was very heavy underfoot for the 36 Ard Rí athletes who ran the 800m, 1000m and 1200m courses. Cross country is a tough event with challenging uphill stretches, long grass and muddy patches. Everyone poured out their best effort. It was the school’s most successful day at the races. We scooped one individual bronze medal from the 6th Class race and our 6th Class girls came 2nd place in the team event (pictured below). Well done everyone. There will be another day out for our athletes in Claremont Stadium for the Meath Athletics Track and Field…bring it on!!